中国福利彩双色球 - 双色球星期几 - 马伟明 

双色球 双色球

Speech Title: Time to Wake Up from Our Innovative Learning Dreams and Make Smarter Learning a Reality

Speaker: Curtis J. Bonk, School of Education, Indiana University

Speech Abstract: a half century, educators, psychologists, and researchers have been predicting that highly intensive, innovative, and individualized learning formats are only a few years away. Learners of all ages would enter enticing microworlds, highly engaging learning experience holodecks, fully immersive hands-on scenarios, high fidelity simulations and games, AI-based adaptive microlearning snippets, and completely free and open educational resources and courses on any topic. Massive open online classes were promised one day and then on demand microlearning snippets were delivered in the next. The learning related dreams we had in past decades were quickly forgotten as the next wave of learning technology came along. But all those dreams will prove pointless if they fail to address true problems or issues that some aspect of society is struggling with. It is time to wake up from such dreams of a glistening technological future and have our dream machines help us envision a world filled with open, informal, adaptive, nontraditional, and self-directed learning opportunities. When that happens, we will truly have arrived in the age of smarter and more innovative forms of learning where the learner is finally in charge of the dreams.

Speaker Bio:
Curtis J. Bonk is Professor in the School of Education at Indiana University (IU) teaching psychology and technology courses and Adjunct in the School of Informatics at IU. He is a former software entrepreneur, certified public accountant, corporate controller, and educational psychologist who presently is an educational technologist, award-winning writer, highly published researcher, statewide and national awardee in innovative teaching with technology, and internationally acclaimed presenter. In 2020, he was awarded the IU President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Technology — and in 2021, received the David H. Jonassen Excellence in Research Award. In April 2022, the American Educational Research Association named him a 2022 AERA Fellow for his exceptional contributions to, and excellence in, education research and the following week he was honored with the International Engagement award from the IU School of Education. Curt is the author of nearly 400 publications and has many widely used technology and learning related books, including Transformative Teaching Around the World, Engaging Online Language Learners, The World Is Open, Empowering Online Learning, The Handbook of Blended Learning, Electronic Collaborators, Adding Some TEC-VARIETY, which is free as an e-book (, and MOOCs and Open Education Around the World as well as MOOCs and Open Education in the Global South ( Across his career, Curt Bonk has given over to 1,800 presentations around the globe related to online teaching and learning, including over 300 keynote and plenary talks in places like Bangkok, Thailand, Melbourne, Sydney, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing, Toronto, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Madrid, London, Manila, Seoul, Tel Aviv, Edinburgh, Dublin, Coimbra, Tampere, Barcelona, and Arequipa, Peru.He co-hosts the weekly award-winning podcast show, Silver Lining for Learning ( He can be contacted at and his homepage is

Speech Title: 性格、行為、策略:複合式學習遊戲的跨域性與動態性

Speaker: 施如齡, 網路學習科技研究所, 中國臺灣中央大學

Speech Abstract: 複合式遊戲主要整合各種科技型態,包括數位系統、AR、機器人、IOT等融入於桌遊中並產生各種教學模式、策略、機制與型態的變形。在複合式遊戲中,以建構主義與社會認知為基礎,建構倣真情境,讓學生在歷史情境中,瞭解在每一片土地上的人、事、物。透過目標任務與衝突事件,讓學習者以不同角色去看到差異立場與多元觀點,提高學生歷史思維與歷史感,解開遊戲的隱藏傳遞訊息。

Speaker Bio:
施教授為美國哥倫比亞大學師範學院教育博士,傳播與教育科技雙碩士學位。專長於遊戲式學習、跨域教學設計、質性研究、多模行為分析、人文社會研究、廣電製作與傳播、STEAM與機器人等。於2012年發表全球首創3D RPG台灣史詩數位學習遊戲,2015年開發探索教育型跨平台數位諮商遊戲,2018年發表機器人融入議題導向跨域學習遊戲。近年發表一系列以數位人文為基礎之情境議題遊戲,如:<香料航道>、<華戎道>、<何往泰雅>、<木衛四>等,以機器人、仿生獸、物聯網等融入跨域學習之競合策略遊戲,融合歷史思維、運算思維、設計思考等多元整合的創新教學模式。其學術論文發表於CHB, C&E, BJET, ETS等,舉辦GCCCE, ICCE, CTE-STEM等國際研討會,並擔任IJSG與RPTEL學術期刊編輯、GCSCE學會主席,擁有實體化場景移動遊戲之海峽兩岸專利。曾榮獲2011年吳大猷先生紀念獎,以及2012-2019連續兩屆優秀年輕學者計畫,與中央大學教學傑出獎。

Speech Title: AI+X to boost interdisciplinary research and foster talents

Speaker: 吴飞, 计算机科学与技术学院,浙江大学

Speech Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to enhance every technology as it resembles enabling technologies like the combustion engine or electricity. However, contemporary AI systems are good at specific predefined tasks and are unable to learn by themselves from data or from experience, intuitive reasoning, and adaptation. From the perspective of overcoming the limitations of existing AI, interdisciplinary scientific efforts are necessary to boost future research in this field. In this talk, I will review the AI history and the outline the trend of AI, and discuss how AI+X boost interdisciplinary research and foster talents.

Speaker Bio:
Fei Wu received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Lanzhou University, University of Macau and Zhejiang University in 1996, 1999 and 2002 respectively. From October, 2009 to August 2010, Fei Wu was a visiting scholar at Prof. Bin Yu's group, University of California, Berkeley. Currently, He is a Qiushi distinguished professor of Zhejiang University at the college of computer science. He is the deputy dean of Shanghai Institute for Advanced Study of Zhejiang University, and the director of Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Zhejiang University. He is currently the Section Executive Editors-in-Chief of Engineering, editorial members of Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. He has won various honors such as the Award of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (2016). His research interests mainly include Artificial Intelligence, Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval and Machine Learning.

Speech Title: Integrating Human Knowledge and Machine Intelligence in Education

Speaker:Maggie Minhong Wang, Faculty of Education, The University of HongKong

Speech Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) has been increasingly utilized to support education in various aspects such as empowering smart learning content, offering immediate feedback, providing intelligent support, and assisting in teachers in instructional decision making. AI beats human intelligence in terms of computing power and memory in processing a huge amount of data and information, which enables tasks to be executed at a higher speed and more accurately. However, machine intelligence is dependent on human intellect, in particular human knowledge. Also, human brains outperform machines in many aspects such as comprehending abstract terms, working with complex thoughts, creating knowledge or innovative ideas, and processing emotions. To achieve the full potential of AI in education, it is important to integrate human knowledge and the power of AI systems. This talk will discuss how recent advances in AI may impact on education in various aspects and how human knowledge and machine intelligence can work together to shape the future of education.

Speaker Bio:
Dr. Minhong (Maggie) Wang is Professor and Director of the Laboratory for Knowledge Management & E-Learning in the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (HKU ranked No. 1 in Education and Educational Research by the U.S. News, Best Global Universities). She is also Eastern Scholar Chair Professor at East China Normal University and Visiting Research Professor at the Advanced Innovation Center for Future Education of Beijing Normal University. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Knowledge Management & E-Learning (indexed in Scopus & ESCI). Her research focus is on learning technologies for cognitive development, creative thinking and complex problem solving, knowledge management and visualization, and artificial intelligence applications. She has published more than 200 items including one monograph and 115 journal articles (73 in SSCI/SCI indexed journals; 48 in Q1 and 18 in Q2 journals) among others. She is recognized as ESI Top 1% Scholar in (a) Social Sciences, General, and (b) Economics & Business. More details can be found at

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